Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Can You Tell

On my way to sleep, I hear on the news that there is a new app that is supposed to help reveal if your son is gay. A series of questions that are clearly stereotypical of what defines a gay man. It just adds more fuel to the fire of never being excepted by friends, family and the community. What really burns my biscuits is not that the app has been created, but such the ignorance that was put out to create it. Are parents supposed to believe what this app states? Its no different than the survey questions we take on facebook about what celebrity we most favor. As entertaining as that may be, this new app comes off as very offensive.

No I know nothing about being a Gay man, I do no a little about being a Lesbian woman. And I ask, what does she look like? Men try and talk to me, hold conversations with me and as soon as I reveal my sexual orientation... Boom: You don't look like a lesbian!! Really, what the fuck does one look like. To the surprise of the world, we all do not walk around with low cuts, baggy jeans and fitteds, or as the straight world would call us, "dykes". Who came up with this definition. But in the end I use my favorite quote: "its not what you believe but what you perceive". Life is clearly about perception and no matter the end result, the constitute lesbianism with our clothing choices.

Today I had an experience. I see a group of Lesbians standing around talking amongst each other. They look at me as I walk by. Today just so happen that I don't have music in my ears so I can hear the world. Talking, I over hear one of them say: "Oh she probably straight. Like to take dick." I laughed because i thought that it was hysterical that she could pass such a judgement on me. Her lack of confidence in her Lesbianism showed me that she only looks for the self proclaimed rainbow fems that walk the streets everyday. Now don't get me wrong, I wear my fair share of rainbow through out the pride months. But when the summer ends, my proclaimed gayness has been put away, I hide nothing from no one but I don't have a point to prove. In response to her ignorance in passing judgement, I reply: "I will be sure to pass that message along to my chick the next time I'm fucking HER". Stunned in the face, I just walk away in amusement.

A lesson in life, never judge a book by its cover, especially if it is RAINBOW!! Life makes it so you can have a conversation with a person, before you can form an opinion. Maybe if parents, family and community held conversations with their kids, bullying and suicide of the LGBT community may not exist.

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