Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ask but Don't Tell

Today I dedicate my blog to all of those who have been released from the so called shackles of the military. The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy has been lifted. But are we really relieved? Did it matter that a lesbian woman or a gay man fighting on the behalf of you, or were they only just man and woman?? The things that need to have some kind of thought process before the mouths of the ignorant open. If it were so easy, a cave man could do it, then why are they out there and not you?

The safety of the LGBT in the military has always been in question. It's almost like being in prison. Men surrounded by men all day and night for years, no home visits, off across the land, what do you really think is going on? To smell a Gay man in the military must be a dog sense, because it happens and every man looking for some action done bent his Gay ass over. Then will turn to the next man and say, "oh but I am not gay"!!! There is not enough mastubation to in the world without wanting to feel something tight and warm, so what is left when the only person next to you is a man you know is gay, can't expose himself or he will be thrown out.

So is it right for all those abused to charge their abuser with some sort of rape, blackmail or something. Lets look at this from the feminine perspective. Lesbians come in all shapes forms and sizes. Looking at me you would never guess that I am a LESBIAN!! So is it wrong to hide behind the curtains because you never know which female is looking at you in the shower? Sergants in full relationships with their unit, and have to live day by day without any affection. How are they supposed to live?

Be that as it may, it was never about don't ask, don't tell. They already knew, so there was no need for the question. It was how are we going to keep the next gay person's identity a secret. Now that you have outed half of our military unit, what will be next? How about marriage equality across the nation!!

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