Monday, October 10, 2011

On One

How many of you have taken an illicit drug to relieve the pain? Not weed because that's just a mess. I mean who can admit being addicted to codeine, vicodine, perks, all those pill popping drugs that makes you feel on cloud 11? I love to feel like I am on windorphins. Windorphins is that natural high you get from being extremely happy in your life. But now I need more potent ways to reach that level. So what is one to do? I remember there was a time when I used to try and drink my problems away. Do I chose between no liver or no stomach lining? This is in no means of an intervention, no I don't need help, I am not on any of these medications. But my question is, how do you reach for the happiness you once knew?

I would so like to be ON ONE right now. I have never and will ever take an Ecstasy pill. But something close to it will help out dramatically. I am just tired, stressed and almost ready to start anew with this life of mine. You ever just get to a point where you wanna say fuck it? No progress to report, just back pedals and bullshit? The feeling of unloved and under appreciated by everyone you know? Or is that always a story someone plays in their head to have an excuse to be unhappy? I say fuck it, I'm ON ONE!!! Right now, my room is spinning, I see purple elephants and I almost forgot what to day is.

Should I go find a coloring book and let my frustrations off through there? I might just color the pages black and red. Today "Hip Hop Can not Save My Life". I am far beyond music saving my soul, I am in search of a higher power. If I told you I spoke to my teddy bear, will that sound crazy? Maybe I speak to him because he doesn't speak back. I don't need an opinion just someone to listen to me, no judgment zone like planet fitness. My teddy bear provides the perfect ear, and mo matter what I say, he nod and understands because right now the world don't. No one is a mind reader, and Libras has this way of keeping all kids of shyt to themselves until the brink of explosion. I wonder will you still be standing after the smoke clears?

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