Monday, October 24, 2011

Sex 101

Would you really opt out of sex ed class for you children? Why parents feel like they have a choice in the matter? At the end of the day, your kid is out there sucking dick and guess what, it is not your choice. Why not arm them with the armor they need to protect themselves. At least giving them the harsh reality may derail them some from making their own choices. I didn't have sex ed until I reached college. Shyt by then, all my friends had babies, giving their own classes on how to fuck. These things should always be available. So to say they are going to far teaching about anal? Do they realize these little girls are having anal just so they can prove to their mothers that they are still virgins vaginally? How naive the Parents are for thinking this. Now if they only gave the truth about what drugs do to you at the tender age of 5, we might not have a world full of crack heads.

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