Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Silly Parents, Kids need ADULTS

I may have come across the worst parents in history. This new generation of Mothers and Fathers really Fucking Suck!!! Not to say that our parents were the greatest, but less bull was done and more things were accomplished.

Problem 1: In the street, at no time should your kids be walking or lagging behind you. I distinctively remember my mother saying: "Keep ya ass in front to me at all times. I need to see you" What happen to those days? The other day, this mother was laking with her two friends and her daughter. The little girl was about 5 tops. Where is she? Kicking some dayum bottle while the mother is laughing and giggling 2 feet in front of her. What she does? Turns around and yells at the little girl. In those second, that little girl could have been taken or worst.

Problem 2: These parents don't care about the where abouts anymore. I had a midnight curfew all the way up until I was 21 and then it extended to 2am. NOW!!! these little bastards in the streets all kinds of hours in the night. Watching the sunrise like there is no school in the morning. Then when you hear these youngsters kidnapped and killed, the parents are sobbing and pointing blame. Sometimes you need to blame yourself for not being a more responsible parent. Then they on the side asking and praying why did this happen, oh how I can see the guilt on the faces sometimes. SO SAD

Problem 3: Nobody visits the schools anymore. Though I hated it, my father would do RANDOM ass checks in my school to see if I was there and if I was passing. I would never know until I got home and see that my mother has some kind of report on me. Though I was never a bad kid, it helped to know that one slip up and all hell could break lose. These parents just let their kids go, no matter what they doing, or how they look. Half the high school population is failing because these PARENTS don't care.

It's time that parents young and old start acting like ADULTS. Our next generation of children need REAL Role models, not the likes of scantly dressed women and hood ass men. Stop trying to birth and raise athletes and "Super stars" and start raising little lawyers and doctors. The impression of a child starts at birth, they pick up everything up until age 5. After that, you are really cutting it close.

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