Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Today 1000 years ago

In my journey of happiness, I have come across many things that makes me smile. But nothing like today. We were only together 1 year and 8 months, but it felt like an eternity. We made a world full of memories within this time. The conversation that seemed endless, to the silent moments of bliss. Now here we are 3 years later in the same spot.. Being this happy, on windorphins all the time.

In my world, she puts up with my mood swings, my sometimes emotionless thoughts and my empty feelings. But in return she know that I will shower her with tears of joy. I may even be reffered to as a "Bitch" but she probably will never say that to me, even when I most deserve it. I live with not seeing her for days at a time, the sole conversations before she sleeps, and all the days when something is wrong, but she would rather not say.

Relationships go through their ups and downs, but ours always come full circle. Every day of every year from this day forward always ends like this:

SKIT: SO i'm you wanna play hangman???
YOU: ummm...i guess
ME: ok, so... go...
ME: *OH damn here we go....* DRAWS CIRCLE
... YOU: S
ME: *you gotta be kidding me...look it is not enuff

YOU: Does that say.......
I would say yes to anything this woMan says to me, but this one and the one that will follow will always mean the most...

Happy engagement anniversary!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Holiday Crash

You ever realize that Christmas is the worst fucking holiday of the year? Your wallet is empty and you never get what the fuck you really want for Christmas. Just blah the dayum shyt. Can we just by pass this day as if it never freaking happened. Out within the hoards of people, nothing you want is in the store. They lure you in with sales to realize the shyt you really want is never on sale!! Ugg this fucking holiday. Have you ever looked up the roots of Kwanzaa? Just another crock of shyt they came up for us to so call celebrate. The only African heritage to it is the name its self. What a fucking crock of shyt. I am just waiting for this holiday to pass, replenish my pockets for them to be broke again!! That is all...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I looked, I learned, and sometimes I listen. I wake, I sleep and sometimes I fell something is missing. I reach, I feel and then remember you are missing. I lived a long 28 years, 7 of them were horrible. 3 of them were just shyt. But these last 4 years have been nothing but complete bliss. I dedicate my happiness, my heart, mind, body, SouL and spirit to you. I have been a SurvivoR of your love and continue to carry it with me. On my sleeve for everyone to see. In my thoughts, in my heart, in the depths of me. Walking, talking, breathing has been made easier and I thank you most for it.

Love is a wonderful feeling. Not everyone can experience what I have, and not everyone will. But this love can exist for whomever is looking to find it. Don't look to hard, but don't hide in the shadows either. I don't just love being in love. I love the feeling of BEING LOVED in return. My thoughts, opinion, my life finally matters to someone other than me. THEN!!! to find someone who will cherish it, makes living, laughing and loving all the better. To explain my love for her, I will need to have my heart removed, my thoughts intercepted because there are no words. She is my air, my every movement, with each blink something will remind me of her. Some say it is crazy to love someone this much. But I say you are crazy if you can't. My best friend, my angel, LogiK.. Sometimes I wonder if I can love her more than I already do. Then she answers me with small gestures.

A lot of women are missing out on their true happiness because they settled for Fool's Gold. I'm not going to rub it in, but.... If your mate is not showing up after work to listen after you had a long day, then you are missing it. If you are not receiving just because I though of you chocolate, then you are missing it. No matter how stressful their day is, if your mate is not smiling when they see you, you are definitely missing it. I am encouraging you to go and find everything you are missing in life. Because I can assure you, I have found MINE.